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UZH Zentrum für Krisenkompetenz (CCC)

Ausgewählte wissenschaftliche Publikationen


  • Yasenok V, Neumann E, Raineri A, Kopp J, Rüegger S, Ballouz T, Kaufmann M, Loboda A, Smiianov V, Baumer AM, Seifritz E, Königstein HF, Frei A, Von Wyl V, Kriemler S, Kostenko A and Puhan MA (2025) Mental Health Assessment of the Population: Study Protocol of the MAP Research Program in Ukraine (MAP-U) and in Zurich (MAP-Z). Int J Public Health.DOI
  • Huynh, Luu Duc Toan and Steven Ongena, 2025, Introduction to JEBO Special Issue on wars, economic sanctions, economic behaviors, and institutions. Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization.DOI
  • Alin Marius Andrieş, Steven Ongena, Nicu Sprincean.(2025) Sectoral credit allocation and systemic risk. Journal of Financial Stability.DOI
  • Ziegler, Ella; Matthes, Katarina L; Middelkamp, Peter W; Schünemann, Verena; Althaus, Christian L; Rühli, Frank; Staub, Kaspar (2025). Retrospective modelling of the disease and mortality burden of the 1918-1920 influenza pandemic in Zurich, Switzerland. Epidemics.DOI
  • Huynh, Toan L.D., Khanh Hoang and Steven Ongena (2025, Forthcoming). The impact of foreign sanctions on firm performance in Russia. British Accounting Review.DOI

  • Gündüz, Yalin, Steven Ongena, Günseli Tümer-Alkan and Yuejuan Yu. (2025, Forthcoming). CDS and credit: The effect of the Bangs on credit insurance, lending and hedging. Journal of Empirical Finance.DOI


  • Speich, C., Stephan, R., Hollenstein, F., Dhima, N., Blumer, C., Zuske, M., Horlbog, J., Delvento, G., Altpeter, E., Raess, M., & Greter, H. (2024). Rapid detection of the source of a Listeria monocytogenes outbreak in Switzerland through routine interviewing of patients and whole genome sequencing. Swiss Medical Weekly.  DOI
  • Suter, Jocelyne; Devos, Isabelle; Matthes, Katarina L; Staub, Kaspar (2024). The health and demographic impacts of the “Russian flu” pandemic in Switzerland in 1889/1890 and in the years thereafter. Epidemiology and Infection. ZORA
  • Boser, Lukas; Staub, Kaspar (2024). How the influenza pandemic 1918/19 affected teacher education and schools in several ways − a case study from Switzerland. Paedagogica Historica. ZORA
  • Staub, Kaspar; Ballouz, Tala; Puhan, Milo (2024). An Unwanted but Long-Known Company: Post-Viral Symptoms in the Context of Past Pandemics in Switzerland (and Beyond). Public Health Reviews.ZORA
  • Le Vu, Mathilde; Matthes, Katarina L; Brabec, Marek; Riou, Julien; Skrivankova, Veronika W; Hösli, Irene; Rohrmann, Sabine; Staub, Kaspar (2024). Health of singleton neonates in Switzerland through time and crises: a cross-sectional study at the population level, 2007-2022. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth.ZORA
  • Kolasa, Thea, Steven Ongena and Chris Humphrey, Multilateral bank bonds as an emerging asset class (2024). Overseas Development Institute Global Expert Comment. Policy Paper
  • Ongena, Steven and Simona Nistor, Bank capital requirements: Why, how high, increasing them, alternatives (2024)? SFI Public Discussion Note. Policy Paper 
  • Ongena, Steven, Osbergahaus, Alex and Schepens Glenn (2024) Toulouse Business School. Seminar on “Joining Forces: Why Banks Syndicate Credit.” Seminar
  • Ongena, Steven, Mamonov, Mikhail and Pestova.  Presentation on "Crime and punishment?" How banks anticipate and deal with global financial sanctions (2024). AnnaCEPR Symposium (Paris), , Presentation.Discussion Paper
  • Antoniou, Fabio, Manthos D. Delis, Steven Ongena and Chris Tsoumas (updated 2024), Pollution permits and financing costs. Journal of Money, Credit and Banking. DOI
  • Berger, Allen N., Simona Nistor, Steven Ongena and Sergey Tsyplakov (updated 2024). Catch, restrict, and release: The real story of bank bailouts. Review of Corporate Finance Studies. DOI
  • Durrani, Agha, Steven Ongena and Aurea Ponte Marques (2024). Decoding market reactions: The certification role of EU-wide stress tests. Economic Modelling.DOI
  • Kara Alper, Steven Ongena and Yilmaz Yildiz (2024). Does being a responsible bank pay off? Evidence from the COVID-19 pandemic. Journal of Financial Stability. DOI
  • Garel, A., Romec, A., Sautner, Z. & Wagner, A. F. (2024). Do investors care about biodiversity? Review of Finance (Editor's Choice). DOI
  • Glossner, S., Matos, P., Ramelli, S. & Wagner, A. F. (2024). Do institutional investors stabilize equity markets in crisis periods? investors care about biodiversity? Management Science.DOI
  • Malär, L., & Giuffredi‐Kähr, A. (2024). The Dark Triad of brand personality: Scale development and validation. Psychology & Marketing. DOI
  • Stephan, R., Horlbog, J.A., Nüesch-Inderbinen, M., Dhima, N. (2024). Outbreak of listeriosis most likely associated with baker’s yeast products, Switzerland, 2022-2024. Emerging Infectious DiseaseDOI
  •  Yasenok, Viktoriia and Baumer, Andreas and Petrashenko, Viktoriia and Kaufmann, Marco and Frei, Anja and Rüegger, Seraina and Ballouz, Tala and Loboda, Andrii and Smiianov, Vladyslav and Seifritz, Erich and Bachmaha, Mariya and Suvalo, Orest and Kriemler, Susi and von Wyl, Viktor and Kostenko, Andriana and Puhan, Milo A. (2024) Mental Health Burden of Persons Living in Ukraine and Ukrainians Displaced to Switzerland: The Mental Health Assessment of the Ukrainian Population (MAP) Studies.  DOI
  • Aschmann HE, Domenghino A, Jung R, Ballouz T, Menges D, Fehr J and Puhan MA (2024) SARS-CoV-2 Quarantine Mandated by Contact Tracing: Burden and Infection Rate Among Close Contacts in Zurich, Switzerland, 2020–2021. Int J Public HealthDOI  
  • Gorska A et al. (2024) Learning from post-COVID-19 condition for epidemic preparedness: a variable catalogue for future post-acute infection syndromes. Clinical Microbiology and Infection. DOI
  • Koppelmaa K, Yde Ohki CM, Walter NM, Walitza S, Grünblatt E. (2024) Stress as a mediator of brain alterations in attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder: A systematic review. Compr PsychiatryDOI
  • Willinger D, Häberling I, Ilioska I, Berger G, Walitza S, Brem S. (2024). Front PsychiatryDOI
  • Osuna E, Baumgartner J, Walther A, Emery S, Albermann M, Baumgartner N, Schmeck K, Walitza S, Strumberger M, Hersberger M, Zimmermann MB, Häberling I, Berger G, Herter-Aeberli I; Omega-3 study team (2024). Investigating thyroid function and iodine status in adolescents with and without paediatric major depressive disorder. Br J Nutr.DOI
  • Andrea Farnham, Anja Frei, Julia Kopp, Larissa J. Schori, Olivia J. Kotoun, Matthias Reinacher, Manuela Rasi, Milo A. Puhan, Jan S. Fehr and Benjamin Hampel (2024). Sexual behaviours and risk of SARS-CoV-2 infection among MSM during the first COVID-19 lockdown. BMC Public Health.DOI

  • Hélène Eloise Aschmann, Anja Domenghino, Ruedi Jung, Tala Ballouz, Dominik Menges, Jan Fehr and Milo Alan Puhan (2024). SARS-CoV-2 Quarantine Mandated by Contact Tracing: Burden and Infection Rate Among Close Contacts in Zurich, Switzerland, 2020–2021. Int J Public HealthDOI

  • N. Probst-Hensch, M. Imboden, A. Jeong, D. Keidel, T. Vermes, M. Witzig, S. Cullati, S. Tancredi, N. Noor, P-Y. Rodondi, E. Harju, G. Michel, I. Frank, C. Kahlert, A. Cusini, N. Rodondi, P. O. Chocano-Bedoya, J.B. Bardoczi, M. J. Stuber, F. Vollrath, J. Fehr, A. Frei, M. Kaufmann, M. Geigges, V. von Wyl, M. A. Puhan, E. Albanese, L. Crivelli, G. F. Lovison (2024). Corona Immunitas Research Group. Long-term trajectories of densely reported depressive symptoms during an extended period of the COVID-19 pandemic in Switzerland: Social worries matter. Compr PsychiatryDOI

  • Irene A Abela,  Magdalena Schwarzmüller, Agne Ulyte, Thomas Radtke, Sarah R Haile, Priska Ammann, Alessia Raineri, Sonja Rueegg, Selina Epp, Christoph Berger, Jürg Böni, Amapola Manrique, Annette Audigé, Michael Huber, Peter W Schreiber, Thomas Scheier, Jan Fehr, Jacqueline Weber, Peter Rusert, Huldrych F Günthard, Roger D Kouyos, Milo A Puhan, Susi Kriemler, Alexandra Trkola, Chloé Pasin (2024). Cross-protective HCoV immunity reduces symptom development during SARS-CoV-2 infection. mBio.  DOI

  • Anagnostopoulos A, Fehr J (2024). Rebound and steep increase of international travel after the COVID-19 pandemic: where are we going from here? J Travel MedDOI

  • Al-Tawfiq JA, Jain N, Tanasov A, Schlagenhauf P (2024). Measles matter: Recent outbreaks highlight the need for catch-up vaccination in Europe and around the globe. New Microbes New InfectDOI

  • Al-Tawfiq JA, Pan Q, Schlagenhauf P. (2024). Mpox outbreak in South Africa: A wake-up call for strengthening preparedness and response. New Microbes New Infect. DOI


  • Baader, N., Bartling, B., Bierbauer, W., Jäggi, A., Mayr, H., Renerte, B., Rühli F., Schmutz, J., Scholz, U., Schünemann, V., & Wagner, A. (2023). Energy Scarcity and Behavioural Science: Interdisciplinary Considerations. UZH Center for Crisis Competence  Link (PDF, 316 KB)
  • D’Ercole, F., & Wagner, A. F. (2023). The green energy transition and the 2023 Banking Crisis. Finance Research Letters. DOI
  • Ehrler, M., Hagmann, C. F., Stoeckli, A., Kretschmar, O., Landolt, M. A., Latal, B., & Wehrle, F. M. (2023). Mental sequelae of the COVID-19 pandemic in children with and without complex medical histories and their parents: well-being prior to the outbreak and at four time-points throughout 2020 and 2021. European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry. DOI
  • Foster, S., Estévez-Lamorte, N., Walitza, S., Mohler-Kuo, M. (2023). The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Young Adults' Mental Health in Switzerland: A Longitudinal Cohort Study from 2018 to 2021. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. DOI
  • Halbedel, S., Sperle, I., Lachmann, R., et al. (2023). Large multi-country outbreak of invasive listeriosis by a Listeria monocytogenes ST394 clone linked to smoked rainbow trout, 2020-2021. Clinical Microbiology.DOI
  • Moreno, A., Ongena, S., Veghazy, A. V., & Wagner, A. F. (2023). «Long GFC?» The Global Financial Crisis, Health Care, and COVID-19 Deaths. Economic Inquiry. DOI
  • Revet, A., Hebebrand, J., Anagnostopoulos, D., et al. (2023). Perceived impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on child and adolescent psychiatric services after 1 year (February/March 2021): ESCAP CovCAP survey. DOI
  • Scholz, U., Bermudez, T., & Freund, A. M. (2023). COVID-19 protective behaviors: A longitudinal study applying an extended protection motivation theory. Health Psychology. ZORA
  • Scholz, U., Mundry, R., & Freund, A. M. (2023). Predicting the use of a COVID-19 contact tracing application: A study across two points of measurements. Applied Psychology Health and Well-Being. ZORA
  • Spitale, G., Germani, F., & Biller-Andorno, N. (2023, April 28). The PHERCC Matrix: An Ethical Framework for Planning, Governing, and Evaluating Risk and Crisis Communication in the Context of Public Health Emergencies. The American Journal of Bioethics. ZORA
  • Scholz, U., Bierbauer, W., & Lüscher, J. (2023). Social Stigma, Mental Health, Stress, and Health-Related Quality of Life in People with Long COVID. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public HealthDOI
  • Salvisberg, Vivienne; Le Vu, Mathilde; Floris, Joël; Matthes, Katarina L; Staub, Kaspar (2023). Health of neonates born in the maternity hospital in Bern, Switzerland, 1880–1900 and 1914–1922. PLoS ONE.ZORA
  • Bernhard, Marco; Leuch, Corina; Kordi, Maryam; Gruebner, Oliver; Matthes, Katarina L; Floris, Joël; Staub, Kaspar (2023). From pandemic to endemic: Spatial-temporal patterns of influenza-like illness incidence in a Swiss canton, 1918-1924. Economics and Human Biology.ZORA
  • Matthes, Katarina Luise; Le Vu, Mathilde; Bhattacharyya, Urmila; Galliker, Antonia; Kordi, Maryam; Floris, Joel; Staub, Kaspar (2023). Reinfections and Cross-Protection in the 1918/19 Influenza Pandemic: Revisiting a Survey Among Male and Female Factory Workers. International Journal of Public Health. ZORA
  • Le Vu, Mathilde; Matthes, Katarina L; Staub, Kaspar (2023). The ups and downs of birth rate in Switzerland 2020 to 2023 in a historical context. medRxiv 23299432, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory. ZORA
  • Newton, David P., Steven Ongena, Ru Xie and Binru Zhao (updated 2023). Leveraged loans: Is high leverage risk priced in? Special Issue Commemorating Phil Molyneux, International Journal of Banking, Accounting, and Finance.DOI


  • Meili, Samuel; Brabec, Marek; Rühli, Frank; Buehrer, Thomas Werner; Gültekin, Nejla; Stanga, Zeno; Bender, Nicole; Staub, Kaspar; Reber, Emilie (2022). Body mass index in young men in Switzerland after the national shutdowns during the COVID-19 pandemic: Results from a cross-sectional monitoring study at the population level since 2010. European Journal of Public Health. ZORA
  • Staub, Kaspar; Panczak, Radoslaw; Matthes, Katarina L; Floris, Joël; Berlin, Claudia; Junker, Christoph; Weitkunat, Rolf; Mamelund, Svenn-Erik; Zwahlen, Marcel; Riou, Julien (2022). Historically High Excess Mortality During the COVID-19 Pandemic in Switzerland, Sweden, and Spain. Annals of Internal Medicine.ZORA
  • Zwahlen, Marcel; Staub, Kaspar (2022). What would have happened if we would not have had the COVID vaccination? Swiss Medical Weekly:online. ZORA
  • Staub, Kaspar; Floris, Joel; Rühli, Frank (2022). Lernen aus vergangenen Krisen - Das Beispiel der Influenza-Pandemie 1918 in der Schweizer Armee. Swiss Review of Military and Disaster Medicine (SRMDM). ZORA
  • Vicedo-Cabrera, Ana; Staub, Kaspar; Kestenholz, Christoph (2022). Übersterblichkeit während extremer Hitzewellen in der Schweiz.In: Brönnimann, Stefan; Imfeld, Noemi; Stucki, Peter. Hitze- und Trockensommer in der Schweiz : Ursachen und Folgen der Jahrhundertsommer 1947, 2003 und 2018. Bern: Geographica Bernensia. ZORA



  • Mamatzakis, Emmanuel, Mike G. Tsionas and Steven Ongena (Forthcoming). Paying your debt makes you happy: Insights during the COVID-19 period. Journal of Economic Studies.DOI 
  • Ammann, C., GiuffrediKähr, A., Nyffenegger, B., Krohmer, H., & Hoyer, W. (2025). Beyond Strong Bonds: A Typology and Motivational Insights into Online Brand Defenders,”  Journal of Interactive Marketing (forthcoming).

  • Petropoulou, Athina, Vasileios Pappas, Steven Ongena, Dimitrios Gounopoulos and Richard Fairchild. (2025, forthcoming). The performance of FDIC-identified community banks. Journal of Financial Stability.DOI 


  • Koppelmaa, K., Yde Ohki, C. M., Walter, N. M., Walitza, S., & Grünblatt, E. (2024). Stress as a mediator of brain alterations in attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder: A systematic review. Comprehensive Psychiatry. DOI 
  • Howe, L. C., Giurge, L., Wagner, A. F., & Menges, J. I. (2024). CEOs Showing Humanity: Human Care Statements in Conference Calls and Stock Market Performance During Crisis. Academy of Management Discoveries DOI
  • Bierbauer, W., Scholz, U., Güth, U., Tausch, C., & Elfgen, C. (2024). Coping With Side Effects: A Daily Diary Study in Women With Breast Cancer Living With Adjuvant Endocrine Therapy. Psycho-Oncology. DOI 
  • Hunt A, Merola GP, Carpenter T, Jaeggi AV (2024) Evolutionary perspectives on substance and behavioural addictions: distinct and shared pathways to understanding, prediction and prevention. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews.DOI 


  • Strumberger, M. A., Häberling, I., Emery, S., Albermann, M., Baumgartner, N., Bucher, N., Erb, S., Bachmann, S., Wöckel, L., Müller-Knapp, U., Contin-Waldvogel, B., Rhiner, B., Walitza, S., Berger, G., Cajochen, C., & Schmeck, K. (2023). Sleep disturbance, but not depression severity, is associated with inflammation in children and adolescents. Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine. DOI
  • Szczuka, Z., Siwa, M., Abraham, C., Baban, A., Brooks, S., Cipolletta, S., Danso, E., Dombrowski, S. U., Gan, Y., Gaspar, T., Gaspar de Matos, M., Griva, K., Jongenelis, M., Keller, J., Knoll, N., Ma, J., Abdul Awal Miah, M., Morgan, K., Peraud, W., Quintart, B., Shah, V., Schenkel, K., Scholz, U., Schwarzer, R., Taut, D., Tomaino S.C.M., Vilchinsky, N., Wolf, H., & Luszczynska, A. (2023). Handwashing adherence during the COVID-19 pandemic: A Longitudinal Study based on Protection Motivation Theory. Social Science & Medicine. DOI


  • Pauly, T., Lüscher, J., Berli, C., & Scholz, U. (2022). Dynamic associations between stress and relationship functioning in the wake of COVID-19: Longitudinal data from the German family panel (pairfam). Journal of Social and Personal Relationships. ZORA



  • Jeronim Perović, Rohstoffmacht Russland. (2025) Eine globale Energiegeschichte. 2., aktualisierte und erweiterte Ausgabe. Böhlau Verlag Köln. Buch
  • Alexandra Freund & Urte Scholz, Psychology; Andrea Giuffredi-Kähr & Anne Scherer, Business; Thomas Lutz & Roger Stephan, Veterinary Medicine; Frank Rühli, Evolutionary Medicine; Sebastian Scholz, History; Kaspar Staub, Evolutionary Medicine; Burkhard Stiller, Informatics; Andreas Thier, Law; Christiane Tietz, Theology; Alexander Wagner, Economics and Finance; Susanne Walitza, Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Psychotherapy (Work In Progress). Crisis Competence - A Holistic Academic Perspective


  • Korf, B. (2024). Pauline geopolitics: Thinking apocalyptic politics with Jacob Taubes. Geopolitics, 29(1), 348-357. ZORA
  • Matthes, Katarina L; Floris, Joël; Merzouki, Aziza; Junker, Christoph; Weitkunat, Rolf; Rühli, Frank; Keiser, Olivia; Staub, Kaspar (2024). Spatial pattern of all cause excess mortality in Swiss districts during the pandemic years 1890, 1918 and 2020. Spatial and Spatio-temporal Epidemiology.ZORA
  • Malet, G and Walter, S (2024). The reverberations of British Brexit politics abroad. European Union Politics.DOI
  • Martin A. Senn/Tobias Straumann. (2024) Unruhe im Kleinstaat: Der schweizerische Generalstreik in internationalen Vergleich, Basel: Schwabe Verlag.DOI
  • Jeronim Perović, Georgien am Scheideweg (2024). Zürich: ETH Center for Security Studies, CSS Analysen zur Sicherheitspolitik. Analyse
  • Jeronim Perović (2024). Fuel and Power. Energy, Trade, and Russian Foreign Relations from Lenin to Putin. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Buch


  • Foster, S., Estévez-Lamorte, N., Walitza, S., Dzemaili, S., & Mohler-Kuo, M. (2023). Perceived stress, coping strategies, and mental health status among adolescents during the COVID-19 pandemic in Switzerland: A longitudinal study. European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry. ZORA
  • Kelegama, T., & Korf, B. (2023). The Lure of Land: Peasant politics, frontier colonization and the cunning state in Sri Lanka. Modern Asian Studies. ZORA
  • Korf, B. (2023). After Critique: Cynicism, Skepticism and the Politics of Laughter. Theory, Culture & Society. DOI
  • Korf, B. (2023). The Irony of Development: Critique, Complicity, Cynicism. Anthropological Theory. ZORA
  • Korf, B., Frieters-Reermanns, N., & Schetter, C. (2023). Gewalt. In E. Nöthen & V. Schreiber (Eds.), Handbuch Transformative Geographische Bildung (pp. 37-42). Springer Spektrum. ZORA
  • Tietz, C. (2023). Der Sonn- und Feiertag – eine «staatlich geschützte Entschleunigungsoase». In S. Alkier (Ed.), Zuversichtsargumente – Biblische Perspektiven in Krisen und Ängsten unserer Zeit, Bd. 2 (Biblische Argumente in öffentlichen Debatten, Bd. 3/2) (pp. 98-108). Paderborn. ZORA
  • Tietz, Christiane (zus. mit Michael Nathan Goldberg und Andreas Mauz): Missverstehen. Zu einer Urszene der Hermeneutik (Hermeneutik und Interpretationstheorie, Bd. 4), Paderborn 2023. ZORA
  • Martini, M., & Walter, S. (2023). Learning from precedent: how the British Brexit experience shapes nationalist rhetoric outside the UK. Journal of European Public Policy.DOI
  • Dagmar Schönig/Tobias Straumann (2023). Paria inter Pares: Das Ende der Bank Wegelin. Stämpfli Verlag, Bern.Buch


  • Kübler, D. (2021). Demokratien im Stresstest. In K. Beck, A. Kley, P. Rohner, & P. Vernazza (Eds.), Der Corona-Elefant: Vielfältige Perspektiven für einen konstruktiven Dialog. Der Corona-Elefant
  • Staub, K., Floris, J., & Rühli, F. (2022). Lernen aus vergangenen Krisen – Das Beispiel der Influenza-Pandemie 1918 in der Schweizer Armee. Swiss Review of Military and Disaster Medicine (SRMDM). ZORA
  • Imfeld, Noemi; Stucki, Peter; Brönnimann, Stefan; Bürgi, Matthias; Calanca, Pierluigi; Holzkämper, Annelle; Isotta, Francesco; Nussbaumer, Samuel U; Scherrer, Simon; Staub, Kaspar; Vicedo-Cabrera, Ana; Wohlgemuth, Thomas; Zumbühl, Heinz J (2022). 2022: Ein ziemlich normaler zukünftiger Sommer. Geographica Bernensia, G100:online. ZORA